Instagram Dark Post Ad


The Instagram Placed Ad is a 'dark post' ad that will not appear on Playbill's social feeds but will be served out to our audiences with any desired audience customization through Facebook's publishing platform. Can be combined with Facebook placements if desired.

  • We recommend providing a 1080x1350 (4:5) and 1080x1920px (9:16) video and/or image, plus the following:
  • Post copy - no character limit (recommended 90 characters)
  • Headline (recommended 25 characters max)
  • CTA Button
  • Clickthrough URL
  • Targeting requirements (if you have any)
  • Branded partner status should be approved on Facebook and Instagram 7 business days before the content’s run date if possible.
  • Note: Playbill will not generate any creative assets and these must be provided unless specifically agreed upon with our Director of Social Media.
  • Note: Social posts are not subject to third-party tracking, but Playbill can provide reporting after the flight has ended.
  • Note: Any copy is subject to edits and must be approved by our Director of Social Media.

Example Ad Unit Screenshot

Availability for Site Targeting

Technical Specifications

Banner Size 1080x1350 (4:5), 1080x1920px (9:16) 1080x1350 (4:5), 1080x1920px (9:16) 1080x1350 (4:5), 1080x1920px (9:16)
Accepted Media MOV or MP4 Video; JPG or PNG Image MOV or MP4 Video; JPG or PNG Image MOV or MP4 Video; JPG or PNG Image
Video Recommended length: 30s Recommended length: 30s Recommended length: 30s
Delivery 2 weeks prior to launch 2 weeks prior to launch 2 weeks prior to launch

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